Sunday, May 20, 2012

My First TV Appearance & Second Blog Post for May!

I committed in my last blog post to write more often so I thought I would sit down this evening and write a post. I was actually all set to write Thursday evening during my allocated time for blogging when Alethea prepared a treat for me. We each had a bowl of frozen yogurt courtesy of Ben & Jerry's. The sugar rush wore me out causing me to procrastinate until today. That is a pretty weak excuse isn't? It is rare that we have any type of snack with that much sugar in it though. I did enjoy it though.

My last two blog posts have been mostly about our participation in the NBC TV Show Grimm. This post will start off on the same topic. I have some good news to report. Alethea and I have both made appearances on TV! Yeah!!! We have appeared in each of the last two episodes. In each episode I make a brief appearance as a crime scene investigator. In the first episode that I appeared in I can be seen in the background talking to someone although you cannot see who I was talking too. I was actually pantomiming of fake talking since during filming we normally could not make any noises that could be picked up by the microphones. A few seconds after my first appearance I can be seen kneeling down going through my CSI kit. It actually had some real CSI stuff in it like gloves, evidence collection tubes, and finger print powder. In last week's episode I can technically be seen three times. However, there is only one scene where you can tell it is me. I am a CSI agent again taking pictures of a dead body just behind the main actors. It was a real camera but I wasn't taking actual pictures. It felt weird to be taking fake pictures but I faked it the best I could :-). The other two times you cannot really tell it was me. In one scene I am in the back of a library listening to a talk. In the other scene I'm running from bigfoot. The camera shows my backside as I and 50 or so other people run out of the lobby of a theatre.

Screen shot of me taking pictures as CSI Agent LaRowe on an episode of Grimm
Listed below are the links and details to the episodes. You can forward to the specific scenes to catch a glimpse of me. You probably will have to watch a few commercials that you cannot skip.

The first episode we are in is titled Happily Every Aftermath (Ep 120, Air Date 5/4/12).
I can be seen at about the 11 min 40 sec mark and then again 20 seconds later. These are the only scenes of the episode I am in. Here is the link from NBC's website. Happily Ever Aftermath

The second episode we are in is called Bigfeet (Ep 121, Air Date 5/11/12).
The only scene were you can really tell that is me is at about 28 min 37 sec & 28 min 42 sec. Alethea can be seen at 29 mins 0 sec and at 29 min 14 sec. Here is the link to this episode from NBC's website. Big Feet

If you are reading this before the season finale airs and you want to watch it then that is great but you will not see Alethea or myself. We didn't work on the last episode :-(. I still plan on watching it to see how it turns out. They haven't started to film season two yet. We haven't heard anything from the casting agency on whether or not we'll be working again as extras for next season. I don't expect we will hear anything for a few more weeks. This is probably the last Grimm related update for awhile. Regardless whether we work again on the show it was a good experience and I am glad we did it.

Next up on things we've been up to over the last couple weeks is bicycling. If you follow my wife's blog Smartt-Adeventures you will know that Alethea recently won a bicycle valued at $500. Last Sunday we put her bike to work at the Portland Sunday Parkways. Alethea wrote about this event in one of her recent posts which can be found here. The Sunday Parkways events occur throughout the summer. The city shuts down a section of streets to cars on a Sunday for a few hours. Last weekend's event was in Northeast Portland. I borrowed a bike from our landlord's daughter so I could join Alethea. I really enjoyed it. We biked over 3 miles to the area that was closed off and then biked most of the 8 mile loop before biking back to our apartment. The weather was beautiful. It was sunny and in the low 80's. Visibility was excellent. We could clearly see Mt. St. Helen's to the north. I really want to get my own bike that better suits me but will probably hold off until I get a regular full-time job although REI is currently having one of their big sales events at the moment. Alethea and I plan on looking at some bicycles this Saturday. I definitely think we'll be doing quite a bit of bike riding here in Portland over the next several months. It is such a bike friendly city.

Me @ the Portland Sunday Parkways event on 5/13

Mount St. Helens as viewed from NE Portland. It  is 50 miles to the north of Portland
Well that is about all from the Pacific Northwest. I'll have some update on the job search in my next post one way or the other. There could be some interesting developments that will play out before too long. I do have one other update. We received our new air mattress this week. This will make it a whole lot easier to host guests. It is a pretty nice air mattress. It is a queen size that is 22 inches off the ground. Time to get ready for bed. Saturday's adventure is going to take a lot of energy. Our plan is to bicycle out to the Clackamas area and visit a REI store, a Kohl's, and maybe a Target. The shortest path is 8 miles just to get there. Should be fun!

Our new air mattress! Bring on the guests!