Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tooting our own horn....

Thought I would take a minute and share a link to an article that ran in today's edition of the Tennessean about Alethea and I. If you have access to the Tennessean the story ran in the Life section. Many of you saw it posted on Facebook but there are some followers of my blog that aren't on Facebook. 

One note about the article. There is one factual error in it. The writer states that I had a career in financial management. Not sure where she got that from since I've never worked in that field. Alethea had a one hour interview with the reporter a few weeks ago and provided her with accurate background information on us. I'm sure she is busy and just got my background info mixed up with another person's. 

Click here for the article:   Groom follows bride down path less taken

We're alive and well in Ireland. I'll write more within the next few days.